About Me

Interest Areas:
Health At Every Size (HEAS®)
Intuitive Eating Awareness
Disordered Eating
Digestive Health
Food intolerance & IBS
Sports Nutrition
Women's Health (incl PCOS, Fertility)
Heart Health
Mental Health
My nutrition approach...
Food should be viewed as a way of nourishing & satisfying your body, and taking care of yourself, in order to achieve long term health outcomes.
As a dietitian, my aim is to help people learn what foods to eat, appropriate portions to adequately nourish & satisfy, and how to plan for meals. But the key is - this needs to be personalised to YOU ! Following someone else's set of rules or rigid plan may result in short term change, but we often tend to resort back to our old habits. To make long lasting nutrition changes we need to tailor it to ourselves, and this is where I will support you.
I promote a Non-Diet Approach to health and nutrition, with a focus on helping clients achieve a healthy relationship with food, movement & their body.
Studies are showing that dietary behaviour change, rather than the weight loss itself, plays a greater role in health improvement. Whilst I am certainly not "anti-weight loss", if we place too much emphasis on weight as a driver or goal, this can cause disappointment or loss of motivation when we don't see results on the scales. Weight can naturally vary for a number of reasons and is often based on a number of factors out of our control (eg. genetics, hormonal fluctuations, medications). Therefore by focusing on achieving health benefits through behaviour change we are setting ourselves up for long term satisfaction, irrespective of weight changes.
For many people, this involves letting go of a "diet" mentality and strict rules around food, and learning to trust your body again to tell you WHEN to eat, WHAT to eat and HOW MUCH to eat.​
What to expect from me...
I will provide a non-judgemental and safe space for you to discuss your challenges and concerns with food, and get practical nutrition advice and strategies moving forward.
I will deliver the most recent and evidence-based nutrition advice and work with you to feel educated to build skills and awareness around food & nutrition.
I will support you with the practical stuff - like what to look for in the supermarket, how to structure meals, recipes that are both delicious & healthy, as well as look at your overall diet to make sure it is well balanced, nutritionally adequate and leaves you feeling energised and satisfied.
Much of my focus initially will be on finding out what drives certain eating behaviours. If we learn more about why we do certain things, we are in a better position to build awareness around food & nutrition in order to make change.
I will also find out what motivates you - is it to have more energy to play with the kids, to build strength in the gym, to tackle the 3pm sugar cravings, or to control gut symptoms. Or it might be to help control a medical condition such as diabetes, heart disease or polycystic ovarian syndrome.
I will unpack many of the nutrition myths floating around on social or mainstream media, and deliver a "food first" approach without any business plug, latest super food or diet fad. Too often we are subject to conflicting and confusing nutrition information and its no wonder we forget the basics of nutrition for overall health.

Professional Memberships:
Dietitians Australia (DA)
Sports Dietitians Australia (SDA)
Australia & New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED)
Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician
Practise-Based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN)
Dietitians Association Interest Groups:
Dietitians in Private Sector
Eating Disorders
Health, Behaviour & Weight Management
Food Allergy & Intolerance

On a personal note, I am a mother of two, and understand the demands of keeping a young family healthy and active. I enjoy cooking (apart from doing the dishes!) and making food taste good. I love a good coffee and a nice glass of wine & a meal shared with family or friends !
I also enjoy being active and getting outdoors for walks, bike rides or a paddleboard. I enjoy keeping fit on the netball court and am actively involved in my local community netball club.